
February 2024

Are We Prepared to Handle Serious Contingencies?

Is a Simple Regular Backup Enough?

The exponential use of technology and its increasing complexity have made developing and maintaining a comprehensive disaster recovery plan (DRP) that not only includes ways to recover from a given event, but also takes steps to prevent potential disasters before they happen more difficult.

Traditional methods such as tape libraries and secondary sites lack scalability these days.  Cloud-based solutions and Disaster-Recovery-as-a-service (DRaaS) provide robust, scalable, and resilient real-world solutions but they require careful consideration of existing IT investments, recovery objectives, and architectural frameworks.


Best Practices for Backup and Restore

By Rolland Miller

This 45-minute tech talk covers best practices for data backup and restore in the cloud.

It discusses how the cloud can offer the tools to help with recoverability, scalability, TCO, and data security.


12 Step Checklist for Business Continuity Plan (2024)

By Landmark Labs

An AI-generated succinct checklist with all the necessary steps to develop a resilient and comprehensive disaster recovery plan.

The Bizway AI tool used for this article can also be used to structure a BCP project and to track tasks to completion.


Best Practices for Disaster Recovery Planning in 2024

By CL Digital

A good high-level discussion on fundamentals of disaster recovery planning and its core elements.

This article discusses things like emerging trends, technological advancements, the shift to cloud-based solutions, the role of technology in enhancing disaster recovery, and developing, implementing, and maintaining a plan.

MangoChango’s ability to deliver unquestionable value to its clients is highly dependent on keeping abreast of new technologies and trends. Our clients value this commitment to leading-edge thinking and expertise.

MangoChango’s engineers are experts in a wide variety of technologies, frameworks, tools, and languages, with an emphasis on continuous learning as new thinking, tools, and techniques come to market.

Check here for more information and to explore our technology assessment and maturity framework.

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